Podcast with Andrea S. and Paul G Newton

Things I Want To Know

Paul Newton Paul Newton

Cock Rings and Stolen Vespas: Detective Vic Ferrari

Cock Rings and Stolen Vespas: Detective Vic Ferrari

We've all seen it on tv. We've all seen it in the movies we've watched as the detectives go and find the bad guy, and they do it in less than 45 minutes. On top of that, we've all seen how cooperative everyone is and how easy it is to put someone in jail. But is it really, is that the way it works or is that just bullshit?

Today we have Vic Ferrari, a 20-year veteran of the new york City Police Department, as a detective who has seen everything from car thefts to murder and anything in between.

Buy Vic's Books Here

Vic on Twitter @VicFerrari50

Check out Paul's Photography and Videos

Contact Paul paulg@paulgnewton.com

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