What not to do in an Audition
I have been to a few auditions, and I have held quite a few auditions. One thing that I know is what not to do.
When I was eighteen, I saw an ad in the paper (yes, the paper, that’s all we had and stop judging) soliciting for actors to be in a film. It was in the basement of a church in Fayetteville. I was suspicious about it and unsure about what I was walking into. I thought about all the news stories I had heard over my youth about abductions and the like. It made sense to me to feel that way; after all, it was Arkansas in the ’90s. No one around here made movies, at least not ones you could show to the public. But, I am pretty much not afraid of anything, so I went anyway.
I have been to a few auditions, and I have held quite a few auditions. One thing that I know is what not to do.
When I was eighteen, I saw an ad in the paper (yes, the paper, that’s all we had and stop judging) soliciting for actors to be in a film. It was in the basement of a church in Fayetteville. I was suspicious about it and unsure about what I was walking into. I thought about all the news stories I had heard over my youth about abductions and the like. It made sense to me to feel that way; after all, it was Arkansas in the ’90s. No one around here made movies, at least not ones you could show to the public. But, I am pretty much not afraid of anything, so I went anyway.
They gave me the sides (script), and I looked through them, tried to memorize them, failing as usual. I can’t remember anything verbatim, an affliction that has haunted me all my life and cost me a passing grade in high school chemistry. I was nervous, and since I had never done anything like that before, I was absolutely out of my element.
I don’t know which one was the overriding reason for being an idiot, either the adrenaline or the absence of a healthy ego. After I delivered my lines, they asked me to do it again, and what came out of my mouth was absolute insanity. Definitely a learning experience, too bad it took a few years to figure that part out. I looked the guys straight in the eye and said, this is embarrassing, “If I can’t get it right the first time, I can’t ever get it right”!
Wow…. What an idiot!
Most of you don’t know this about me, but I can remember everything important that happened to me over my life. I can put myself right back in the situation, smell the air, feel the temperature, and hear the trees. I can’t memorize anything, but I can do that.
Because of this “gift,” I remember the expression on the man’s face when he asked me to “do it again.” It wasn’t what I thought it was at the time. I thought he was looking at me like I was nuts (this was right before I proved I was nuts), but he wasn’t. In actuality, he was impressed with my performance. He was trying to figure out how to get this young kid in his movie. I am even more sure of it now because I have had the same thoughts when auditioning someone that doesn’t quite fit the part but is pretty damned good. If I had stayed, repeated the performance, I might have started a movie career in 1993 instead of beguiling myself as an insurance agent for twenty-five years.
Since then, I have held many auditions and been in many more. I rarely get a part, but that is to be expected. I am a pretty unique looking individual, and my personality takes over any room. Not always a good fit for a gentle father. If there is ever was a call out for an old Orson Welles look-alike, but I might not be a shoo-in for the buff father figure. I probably won’t get the call, just sayin.
After all these years, I have figured out how to survive the auditioning process, just be me. You never know exactly what the person is thinking and whatever thoughts you believe they have in their heads, well… You are wrong.
The best advice I can give any actor that isn’t classically trained or has thousands of parts under their belt is do the best you can. Be kind, listen to directions and keep putting your name in the hat.
Is the world ending? No, I'm just sick.
Over the past three weeks, I haven’t posted much or taken that many photographs. It may seem like I am neglecting my duties, but in reality, I have been very sick. Over my life, I have had pneumonia dozens of times. This time I thought I was OK until I wasn’t. It put me down hard. In fact, I didn’t know how sick I was until after I started to get better.
Over the past three weeks, I haven’t posted much or taken that many photographs. It may seem like I am neglecting my duties, but in reality, I have been very sick. Over my life, I have had pneumonia dozens of times. This time I thought I was OK until I wasn’t. It put me down hard. In fact, I didn’t know how sick I was until after I started to get better.
I did try to keep creating. I grabbed a sunrise, practiced focus stacking, and took a time lapse. While these aren’t the most fabulous photographs I have ever taken, I still enjoyed taking the time to do it.
I went out early one morning to Lake Fayetteville and set up two cameras in hopes of getting the marvelous colors that are usually displayed when the sun begins to peek over the horizon. The sky was clear, and the air was quite clean. Two things that do and do not contribute to a great photograph.
Usually, the air in NWA is thick with substantial humidity, making everything hazy. This also refracts the light making the great colors one expects to see across the morning landscape. This usually makes taking a photograph a little tricky, as the haze keeps the colors of the trees in focus, sharp and defined. So it is a trade-off, hazy photos but great colors or, in the case of that morning, bright and crisp with only a few colors. I really didn’t mind too much though, crisp air means low pollen. Something that is a big help when suffering upper respiratory distress. Like I said, I didn’t realize how sick I was, and heavily polluted air probably would have done more damage than I know.
Right now, the dam is covered in hundreds of yellow flowers, some of which are almost perfectly shaped. I have been fooling around with Focus Stacking, so I grabbed a few shots. If you look closely, you will see the old water intake is in focus as well as some flowers with everything in-between having a beautiful bokeh.
Since I was at Lake Fayetteville anyway, I thought I would look around at the docks in the marina. Docks can provide great photographs because of their straight lines that seem to vanish into the distance. I wasn’t disappointed.
The Rowing Club of Northwest Arkansas has recently installed a dock meant specifically for their sport. There are no railings, so it is easier to get in the water boats. It even has a little staging area to quickly mount and dismount the skiffs and vessels without the threat of falling in the water. It is interesting if you find yourself wanting to learn something new, go by and just take a look.
The dock itself had a problem that morning though. It was covered in Canada Geese droppings. I mean, covered. It was the most disgusting thing I have seen in a long while. If you know anything about me, you know I love Ducks but despise Canadian geese. They are the least friendly and most undesirable water foul I know of, and also the most damaging, in my opinion, to any Eco-system. But mostly it’s because they are jerks. Anyway...
I almost did not take the photo of the dock. I knew it would be at least an hour of work to remove all the droppings from the photograph and I wasn’t sure if I really wanted to take on the task, but the dock looked too good that I couldn’t resist.
I have also been fooling around with daytime long exposure, so this was a great place to try it. When you use long exposure, things like water, and it’s waves blend together to make what could be seen as a mist, causing the camera to create some fascinating photos.
After that little trip to the lake, I thought I would go home and spend the rest of my day in Photoshop and Lightroom, creating my art. But I just didn’t feel that great and ended up napping. When I woke, I had lost my voice completely. This was a week ago, and I still cannot talk. In fact, I think I have gotten sicker.
It seems that every time I think I am getting better, the weather does something funky, and it makes me worse again. I am trying to get better, but until this passes, I won’t be able to put out any more podcasts or take any road trips for great photographs.
Bomb Cyclone brings end to photo shoot
I went to the University of Arkansas to find a great spot to get the stadium and all that traffic. The video I got was all made in camera and isn’t the quality that I will get when I do it for real. This is just a scout to see what it might look like. Honestly, I am not going to use that spot again, it’s just not that interesting. But that’s why you scout!
From “The Weather Channel” website.
If you didn’t know, the mid-west is being bombarded with what the newsies are calling a “Bomb Cyclone. It is a blistering cold weather event that is over 800 miles wide. They even canceled school in the Denver area, that’s bad. Denver Schools never close.
When I lived in Denver there was a blizzard that put almost four feet of snow on the ground in three hours and it didn’t melt for a week. The Denver Schools were open the entire time. That means this must be something big.
I was out trying to discover the choicest places to shoot some time lapse videos. The camera does them nativity at a slightly lower resolution, meaning I was going for just a test shot, just to see. Soon, I will be receiving a new piece of equipment that calculates the perfect camera settings to get the ideal chance for a time-lapse.
Most time-lapse videos you see are actually hundreds of photographs compiled together. This takes forever to get right, and if wrong, they look terrible. I have produced every kind of video you can think of, except a time lapse. It takes a lot of patience and planning to get it right, and I just haven't made time for it. Now it's on my bucket list, and it's going to get done. If you haven't seen a time-lapse, here is one I found from Chris Pritchard on Vimeo. I love watching these things.
These are great for City-scapes as well. Here is one of NYC by Michael Shainblum.
As you can see, these videos can be mesmerizing, to say the least. But they have to be planned out. IN the NY time-lapse you actually get to see the camera move while the city literally runs at hyper-speed. Technically the second video is more of a Hyper-lapse, but a static shot for my work will have to do for now. Those take a motorized slider hooked to a computer to accomplish, and I just don’t have the 2K at the moment to afford the gear. Maybe I could rent it… hmm, that’s a thought.
That’s what I was doing tonight, scouting for a place to shoot my time lapse. I went to the University of Arkansas to find a great spot to get the stadium and all that traffic. The video I got was all made in camera and isn’t the quality that I will get when I do it for real. This is just a scout to see what it might look like. Honestly, I am not going to use that spot again, it’s just not that interesting. But that’s why you scout!
Typically, shooting video in the wind isn’t that problematic, and since these were really just for reference, it really didn’t matter.
Living in Arkansas, I didn’t think the “Bomb Cyclone” would effect us down here, but it sure as hell did. Tonight the wind gusts are so strong that it almost blew over my tripod while I was shooting. My “sticks” aren’t the super expensive Manfrotto ones, but they aren’t junk either. They are light though, carbon fiber is the majority of the materials used to make the legs. That wind just toppled them right over. Good thing I was holding onto them at the time. I really don’t want to file an insurance claim for a new camera and lens.
I did get to practice my long exposure photography though. Being that I have a new camera and I haven’t ever gotten to practice with it due to crappy weather, I thought I would share. But these also suffered from the wind. When leaving the shutter open for Thirty seconds, every little shake makes an impression. While this is the sharpest one of the bunch, it is most definitely not that great. Its composition needs a lot of work, but I proved to myself that I do understand the technicals of the camera well enough to really set up a beautiful shot in the future.
Let’s all hope that all we get is some more wind and a few days of sixty-degree weather rather than the pounding of snow and ice the north is getting.