Rock Legends Black Lürxx Share Their Story and Unexpected Passion for Latin on Paul G's Corner Podcast
Discover the unexpected passions and inspiring journey of rock legends Black Lürxx in an exclusive episode of Paul G's Corner. Tune in as they share their triumphant comeback story and reveal their love for Latin. Don't miss this captivating conversation!
the lurxx promo 2022
When you think about rock legends, you probably picture leather jackets, guitars, and wild performances. But have you ever imagined these same rockers discussing their passion for Latin? In an exclusive episode of the Paul G's Corner podcast, host Paul G sits down with the iconic rock trio, Black Lürxx, for a candid conversation that promises to be as entertaining as it is enlightening.
Finland woods
Xavi, Sabú, and Joe share their incredible journey from their early days on the Sunset Strip to their triumphant return with their second debut album, "Music for the Planet" The band opens up about the challenges they've faced, their creative process, and the experiences that have shaped their careers. As you listen to their captivating stories, it's clear that these rockers are so much more than just musicians – they're artists who have navigated the ups and downs of life with resilience and tenacity.
Black Lurxx Hollywood
But the surprises don't stop there! As the conversation progresses, Black Lürxx reveals an unexpected passion for Latin. Both Xavi and Sabú discuss their Latin language school and how they've used their love for the ancient language to enrich their lives and those of their students. It's not every day that you get to hear rock legends discuss the intricacies of Latin grammar and the impact of the classics on modern society, but this episode of Paul G's Corner delivers just that.
the lurxx Liverpool sept 2022
This fascinating conversation sheds new light on the multi-faceted lives of Black Lürxx and shows that there's always more to learn about even the most well-known artists. You'll be left wanting to dive deeper into their music, their Latin classes, and their inspiring journey.
Don't miss out on this rare opportunity to listen to an exclusive chat with Black Lürxx on Paul G's Corner. You'll walk away with a newfound appreciation for these rock legends and their undeniable passion for music and Latin. Subscribe to Paul G's Corner today and explore a diverse range of topics with engaging, insightful conversations that will keep you coming back for more.
Breast Cancer Didn't Stop Her: Fitz Koehler's Journey to Staying Strong and Uplifting Others"
"Despite the challenges Fitz faced with her diagnosis, she remained active and vibrant throughout her treatment. Her story is a powerful testament to the healing power of exercise and positivity. As Fitz herself puts it, “Cancer doesn’t define me; I define cancer.”
Fitz’s story is one of resilience and determination in the face of adversity. Her experience is a powerful reminder that cancer doesn’t mean the end of an active, fulfilling life and that a positive attitude and a commitment to staying active can make all the difference in the world."
This Wednesday, February 22, 2023, I spoke to a lady who really is an inspiration to everyone that meets her on my podcast “Paul G’s Corner. During our conversation, Fitz shared with me her personal experience with breast cancer and how it has impacted her life. She spoke about the challenges she faced during her treatment and how she could stay active and positive throughout the process. She said, "Cancer is a thief, but you don't have to let it steal everything from you."
Fitz Koehler
inspiring journey of beating breast cancer while remaining active and vibrant
One of the things that really stood out to me was Fitz's emphasis on the importance of exercise and movement during her recovery. She talked about how physical activity not only helped her stay physically strong but also gave her a sense of control and normalcy during a time when everything else felt uncertain. "Movement is medicine," she said, "and it's one of the few things you can control when you're dealing with cancer."
Fitz also shared some advice for others who may be going through a similar experience. She stressed the importance of taking things one day at a time and not getting overwhelmed by the big picture. "You don't have to climb the whole mountain today," she said, "just take one step at a time and celebrate every victory, no matter how small."
But perhaps the most inspiring part of our conversation was when Fitz talked about what she has learned from her experience with cancer. "It's really taught me to appreciate every day, to live in the moment, and to not take anything for granted," she said. "It's also given me a sense of purpose and a desire to help others who may be going through something similar."
Fitz's positive attitude and determination are truly inspiring, and I feel fortunate to have had the opportunity to speak with her on my podcast. Her story reminds us that even in the face of adversity, we can find strength, hope, and joy.
She said, "Life is precious, and every day is a gift. So let's make the most of it."
I agree with that.
Filming a Zero Budget Movie in the year of the RAT
My God, where do we start? First, this is the year of the RAT, doesn't that make you feel better? No? I suppose it wouldn't. We have Civil unrest, Government intervention in society, and a Virus that is just as mysteriously as it is potentially fatal. It wouldn't be all that bad if it weren't for the fact that we aren't even halfway done. To make things even more difficult for someone like me, filming has all but completely stopped. Not just the Hollywood big budgets, even the local news has their reporters doing their segments from home.
I had planned on filming a neat little film this year in the spring when it wasn't too hot. Those plans are out the window as it is ninety-two degrees today. I think the humidity is almost 100 percent today, also—awful filming weather. Everything tends to overheat on a day like today, from the actors to the cameras, they just don't like it.
Being in Arkansas, no one is forcing us to stop what we are doing because of the "outbreak" but, since we are good folks down here in the South, we do as we are asked. Well, most of us do anyway. Not because we are slaves to the government but because we are friendly. We generally respect our neighbors in my part of Arkansas. Yeah, we do. Some of my friends that live in NWA might not see it that way, but I do. I have lived in many places in my life; for the most part, if you want to be left alone to do your own thing, NWA allows you that opportunity.
The downside of that is everyone is used to doing whatever they want without consequences from the community. Leaving us a little more narcissistic in our actions. Like someone that shows up for one day of filming and then never again because they are "busy." That's just not how filming works. You have to see the project through to the end, or you beach everyone involved in the project, and it is ruined. It happens when trying to have a party or putting together a picnic; the self-absorbed life becomes what is more comfortable and known. I get it. Even I have succumbed to that myself.
Since it is difficult in the best situations to get a low to no budget film made in the best of times, what will it take now!?
One thing that I wish would happen is that the film community in NWA pull together and get something done as a community. To this point, NWA has suffered from the hands of elitism amongst its directors and filmmakers. At least it seems that way to me. For what reasons are we all separated? Why do some believe that others are out to steal their work? Why do some think they can't work with someone because of points of view? Why do some believe that a lack of a "real" camera precludes someone from being any good? Or worse, someone doesn't share a specific political point of view, so they can't be worked with on a Film.
We are all filmmakers with stories to tell. I make films for the sake of the film, not the purpose of my point of view or politics. I am a good filmmaker, and I am proud of my accomplishments. Still, there isn't a planet in the solar system where I would refuse to work for someone because of some petty difference. Again, it's about the film.
With that being what it is: I am still looking to make a film this year, with or without help from anyone.
Why am I still a Solo shooter ten years in?
I wasn’t schooled in the way of shooting or writing things those days. I just did it by the seat of my pants. My actors would sometimes ask me “what am I doing this for?” I would answer with “just trust me, it will work”. It did work for the most part. I only have one film I shot that no one has seen.
I started out taking photographs in High School I didn’t suck at it. I made films all throughout my life, even when I didn’t know what I was doing. I have always written stories. The first one I can remember was in sixth grade. It was awful and the actors were forced to be in it. But it was fun and I always have a story to tell. You can find my book listed on Amazon and Abe Books. You cannot buy one and there will probably never be another print run, but there it is.
I will probably write another book in the future. I actually have one that I want to finish called “Overwhelming Evil”. It is a story about a teenager who is being hunted by an evil entity only to discover that the real demon is something much worse. However, I have been writing that for about twelve years and I am only at thirty thousand words. Let’s just say, it will be a while.
The Beginning
I started down this trek of filmmaking as a hobby. I started making VLogs (Video Blog) in 2008 with just a webcam. I found the process to be more than just fun, I found it to be fulfilling. I bought a better camera and then got a DSLR. Thank God for the DSLR revolution! When I got my first DSLR or semi-professional camera, it changed how I looked at everything that I filmed. I realized that I could do more than just sit in front of it and talk. I could make my own programming. And make stuff I did. I made a bunch of little comedy shorts and a couple of dramatic things. I won my first film festival, then another. It made sense that I would keep it up. I really thought that I was on my way to something, and I still do.
I wasn’t schooled in the way of shooting or writing things those days. I just did it by the seat of my pants. My actors would sometimes ask me “what am I doing this for?” I would answer with “just trust me, it will work”. It did work for the most part. I only have one film I shot that no one has seen.
Summer Feature
I got to be one of the lead actors in a movie. too! You can find it on IMDB and it used to be on Amazon Prime but as of today, I don’t know where you can watch it. I had fun that summer. I got to run around and bother my co-star with crabby dialogue and somewhat witty banter. In post-production I had to save the movie from digital oblivion and probably should have received an Editor credit for that but, that’s ok. I got paid for that too. Always a plus. Made being out of work that year worth it. The really interesting part about the whole thing is that the entire thing was filmed on DSLRs. They didn’t have any studio type lights just panel lights as I use now, other than they weren’t as good. It was truly an independent film in every aspect of the phrase. I wish I could do that twice a year or even three times a year. It is, so far, as close to my goal of making a film as I have come and I didn’t even make the thing, just acted in it.
Live Television
Paul G Newton Live Broadcast TV Aircheck For Editing and Music.
About that same time, I went to work for 40/29 as the Chief Editor. It was a lesson in humility. I learned that no matter how good you are at your job, if you aren't on the TV, you are expendable. I suppose that is a little harsh, but it felt that way. I tried to be involved with the production and be a helping hand to make the show better every time it aired, I did. Anyone reading this that may have worked there when I did, I think you know that I just wanted it to be better. Or at least I hope they know this. But, in the end, I always felt expendable and more of a nuisance than anything else. In the end, I had to leave the station to retain my sanity. TV news can be the most stressful job ever invented to torture humankind.
Now, for the past few years, I have been doing product videos and testimonial interviews. It is fun, and generally, no one is breathing down my neck. But all these things I have created, the stories I have told, the commercials I have created, have all been done by me with no one helping. I did my own writing, filming, lighting, editing, and effects. Occasionally I would have someone helping with this or that (other than actors) but on a consistent basis, I did them all on my own and still make them by myself.
Product Videos and Commercials
Now What Do I Do?
That leads me to the question I put forth in the title of this blog. Why am I still a solo shooter? Why haven’t I been able to break through and start working on a production that tells a story not linked to a product? It flummoxes me to no end. I know how to do everything only because I have had to do everything. What can I do to move forward?
I am not one to settle and without some significant progress, I feel I am doing just that.
Since you are here and reading this, do me a huge favor and think about what you think it may take to break out. I know I need to relocate to where the stories that I love to tell and watch are being made and I am trying. It costs a ton of cash to just up and move.
What I think I need to do is make more films that tell stories. I need to create. But I know that is not enough. Very few people see my work these days. It is kind of scary to see the low numbers on my stats page. I do not aspire to become the next YouTube or Twitter star. I do not have dreams of becoming a millionaire from making films. I would be happy pulling down fifty to sixty thousand a year if it meant I was able to make stories people want to see. I don’t want to do anything other than telling great stories with great people.
I tried to make one this summer, here is a snippet. I hope I get to tell more this coming year.
I guess I will keep plugging along.
On the brink of friendship; "A man and a Cardinal".
Until he returned. This time he was sitting in one of the trees that are near my front porch. Further away, but still glaring at me intently. I looked his way, and again he fluttered away. I thought, "ok... this is kind of fun." Admittedly, I was super bored, and the thought of being attractive to a wild Cardinal was intriguing. But he left again, and that should have been the end of it. It wasn't.
I have been stuck at home (as most of us are) for over a month now. No in-person interaction, just the blank walls, and stillness of the nothingness that surrounds me. I think of stories to write and situations to talk about. I learn new facts that have no real-world application but are interesting nonetheless. I get excited about topics but have no one to share them with. The only respite I have is the occasional conversation with my spouse. Still, those are brief and generally about housekeeping and such. Since she is working twelve-hour shifts, six days a week, there is little time. So after my workday is over, I watch Netflix or Amazon Prime, Hulu, or our stash of films still regulated to Blu-Ray. It has become what I imagine a white-collar prison would be. But worse. At least in prison, there are guards to talk to and other inmates. Here, at home, there isn't even that luxury.
As I sat outside this week, something interesting happened. The sun was pretty warm, and the neighborhood birds began to make themselves heard. Not just like "hey, I am here," more like "HEY! YOU SITTING THERE! PAY ATTENTION!" It got loud. I suppose spring has finally riled them up, and for once, I am around to hear the community of feathered rabble-rousers.
While not strange, what was weird is that I noticed this little male Cardinal watching me. I said, hello. He stared at me. Then he really stared at me. I could tell he was concentrating hard. He didn't look at me like a dog, cat, or a human, he used just one eye as birds do. But for some reason, I knew he was studying me more than any other native Arkansas bird had ever before. I am sure that you have been stared at by the exotic birds. They lock on you and track your movements. That was this Cardinal, but for some reason, I could feel the intensity of his stare. I looked at him in return with what I felt was the same intensity, and he bounced off into the trees. While interesting, it seemed to be a "one-off," and I moved about my day.
The Flying Stalker
My iPhone at maximum zoom got me close, but I knew I had to get my real camera.
Until he returned. This time he was sitting in one of the trees that are near my front porch. Further away, but still glaring at me intently. I looked his way, and again he fluttered away. I thought, "ok... this is kind of fun." Admittedly, I was super bored, and the thought of being attractive to a wild Cardinal was intriguing. But he left again, and that should have been the end of it. It wasn't.
I went inside for a while. I did some research into cameras, gear, and filmmaking but became restless once again. So I returned to the sunlight. After just a few moments outside, I realized that my crimson friend had returned. Not just hanging around a few feet out of arm's length, but almost sitting on my foot! This courageous little bird and his exuberant curiosity have landed him at my feet. We stare at each other for a moment, his demeanor seems calm.
I speak to him and smile. "Hello, my little friend." His little head snaps up, then down, then back up again. There is a small moment where I think he is deciding if we are to be friends. Then he flies away, back into the trees and shrubs that he calls home.
I immediately called my wife. I had to tell someone about this little encounter. She is amused but not overly so. After all, her life has not gotten quieter; it is exponentially louder with the long days and tighter security where she works. To her, this thing that is happening is only mildly entertaining. To me, it's like the circus came to town and set up in my front yard. I guess it is all about perception, now isn't it.
I now have to document what's happening. I am a photographer, after all. I run into the house and get my camera and tripod. I get the longest lens I own, and I set up in the driveway, pointing my camera towards the front porch, and I wait. And wait. And wait. It seems that my friendly Crimson wrapped feathered friend has decided we aren't really made to be friends after all. It wasn't meant to be, I suppose, for the lives of humans and that of wild songbirds are much too distant to for a connection any deeper than observing one another.
Believing that I just wasted precious energy setting up my camera for breathtaking pictures of man and Cardinal forming a mind-blowing friendship perfect for Instagram or a Twitter firestorm, I do what I always do. I made the best of it. You see, I have this furry wanderer that lives in my yard. He didn't ask permission to live here, but here he lives, nonetheless. We call him Freddie, and he likes to do what cats are want to do.
So I turned my camera on him. Because I was bored, I made this little film that I call "The Cat." Please watch and enjoy.
COVID-19 Has me in a stranglehold
Some people have told me to take the time to write and finish that screenplay or story I have been working on for years. That would be a great idea if it weren't for all the quiet and solitude.
For those that know me, you can probably already guess that I am going stir crazy. For those that don't know me in "real life," you are probably feeling just as loony as I am. If you aren't going crazy and claustrophobic and are loving this time of Quiet and relaxation, well, you're nuts.
Some people have told me to take the time to write and finish that screenplay or story I have been working on for years. That would be a great idea if it weren't for all the quiet and solitude.
Yeah, I am a writer, but I am not actually a "writer." Writers spend most of the time throughout the day in their heads. If I spend more than twenty minutes of my day in my head, I start breaking stuff. My mind doesn't work like the rest of humanity, you see. My mind has hundreds of thoughts a minute running through it. Every object propels its backstory or possibly future story to the forefront. Because I am a positive thinker, yes, I indeed look at things positively, in a pragmatic sort of way.
Some people who have forced a positive light upon themselves find my way of looking at things to be negative. Even if that moment sucks the suck, they say positive things about it to keep themselves upright. I get that way of living, I do. Unfortunately, forcing the positive on negative thoughts isn't helpful in the long run, because the negative thinking still lives on. Even though it may live in the shadows, I know everything will be alright, and in the future, good things will happen. I will live to revel in the success of some sort once again. The sun will come up, and life will continue on.
Because I think of things in a positive light, I start down a path of grandeur. I think of all the success I could have with my podcast, my website, and even this blog. Because I am so enthralled with the success I will have my ego begins to grow. Then I start thinking of the new things I can do and the greatness I can espouse upon my readers, listeners, and viewers. I get wrapped up in the excitement of the potential of my winning streak; my ego gets even larger until reality kicks in.
I have tried for years to get a following or some sort of presence on the interwebs. I had a little success but couldn't get the pilot to light the flames. I write blogs, make vlogs, host live videos, enter and win contests, interact with as many people as I can. Yet still have few people reading, listening or watching. For those of you that keep up with me, THANK YOU SO MUCH! You have no idea how that makes me feel. I am incredibly grateful for your attention. But that is the reality of the situation. I am not growing my audience by doing what I have been doing. Honestly, I have no idea what I should do differently. If you know, please let me know.
Now, you probably are thinking, "Paul, that is a very negative way of thinking." Yes, it is. But it's also true.
Because I am not a complete idiot, this realization kicks in about the time I think I can rule the world. That's where the problem starts. How can I even believe that I am going to gain all of the success I just inflated my ego with? Truth is, I won't. That's when my ego pops, and the innards soil everything around them, causing a mess no one can recover from. Depression kicks in, and my world is destroyed. But only for a moment, because I am actually a positive person. I realize that you can't win them all, but if you play enough, you can win the season or, at least, not come in last place. Proof of that is the fact that you are reading this blog, and I am still writing it. I still write stories, and I still make films. I haven't given up, and I am fighting back the urge to say "F**K IT ALL" and follow through.
For those of you who haven't experienced this sort of hyper thinking situation, you must know that all of this happens over about thirty seconds or less about twice an hour.
Yeah, it sucks.
When I am kept busy with things that I am actually interested in, these thoughts do not come. But sequester me in a home by myself with no human interaction, and it's multiplied by at least two.
I would love to record a podcast, write a story, or film something for no real reason, but that just starts the process all over again. It is exhausting!
So, not to worry, I am just fine. I know that what I am thinking is just a logic circle and that it is not reality. I will keep on keeping on.
Maybe I will do a live video later… Hmm… Just think, it might be the start of something!
Let the #planting begin
Isolation makes us do strange things.
I did create something exciting this weekend, though. I broke out my fog machine and filmed an eerie scene of smoke coming through the slats on a chair in my yard. Donald showed up for a few minutes. We stayed six feet apart, just like you’re supposed to (we do that anyway, no biggie).
I have had many jobs over the years. Most of them have been entrepreneurial. I sold Insurance for the majority of the time. Yeah, that was fun, NOT. I was, for a long time, a freelance filmmaker and photographer. That made for many long days and sometimes weeks working from home by myself. Rarely did I have any co-workers, and I was mostly alone in my house trying to edit or drum up a sale. Usually, I spent my time learning something new or honing my After-Effects or Photoshop skills. It was a solitary existence. I do not have children, and my wife works strange hours, so it is always eerily quiet. Some people might find that relaxing, but for a guy like me, it is exhausting.
I need action and conversation to stimulate my brain. My attitude gets questionable when I have no one around to stoke the fires of creativity. I like to tell people that I am the type of person that likes to hear the roar of the cannonballs. That means there always has to be something exciting happening around me. Solitude is boring.
These past few weeks have been nerve-racking to me. But I am working it out. I get to go into the office a little here and there. Even there, I am by myself. I have made a few product videos and some promotional stuff for an online event, but they are kind of lame. They aren’t lame because the product I created isn’t any good; they are lame because it’s not hard work, and it is just an inanimate object spinning around on a turntable. There is no meat on the bone, so to speak.
I did create something exciting this weekend, though. I broke out my fog machine and filmed an eerie scene of smoke coming through the slats on a chair in my yard. Donald showed up for a few minutes. We stayed six feet apart, just like you’re supposed to (we do that anyway, no biggie).
Here is what I shot. It doesn’t have a story, but it is kind of cool.
I might have had Corona, or I didn't. All I know is that it sucked.
If you haven't paid attention to my Facebook feed (you probably didn't, and that's ok.), you would already know that I was extremely sick this winter. My symptoms are quite familiar to almost all of us now. It started one day with an unbearable sore throat that came out of now where. One minute I was filming products for the company I work for, and less than thirty minutes later, I could not swallow. My chest began to run with crud, and breathing became somewhat tricky. I went home and found that I had a mild fever, and the coughing started. It was a dry, hard cough.
It seems that there is a hysteria going around these days that is making everyone just a little strange. From the runs on toilet paper (pun intended) to the absolute insanity of fake news and misinformation, the past couple of weeks have taken their toll on my psyche. Being isolated is, for me, almost as bad as being sick since the end of December.
If you haven't paid attention to my Facebook feed (you probably didn't, and that's ok.), you would already know that I was extremely sick this winter. My symptoms are quite familiar to almost all of us now. It started one day with an unbearable sore throat that came out of now where. One minute I was filming products for the company I work for, and less than thirty minutes later, I could not swallow. My chest began to run with crud, and breathing became somewhat tricky. I went home and found that I had a mild fever, and the coughing started. It was a dry, hard cough.
I cannot afford to take off work now, and it was the same then. So I went to work with cough shortness of breath and fever. I didn't interact with anyone and had no need to since I do my job all by myself. When I went home, I went to bed. When I woke up, I coughed and suffered through the day. After about six days of this, I went to the Dr. They gave me a shot of steroids and a prescription for more steroids to take over the next ten days. I didn't get better. My fever and constant coughing, still persistent.
Three weeks into it, and I was back at the Dr again. This time the Nurse Practitioner gave me steroids and no antibiotics. I insisted that she give me some antibiotics but was denied. A week went by, and I developed an infection on top of my coughing. I had to be seen by a Dr once again. This time, a real Doctor.
Antibiotics (now round two) and more steroids. Honestly, I am surprised I still have my kidneys left.
I didn't get better immediately, but I did get better three weeks later. Actually, I am still quite weak from the entire ordeal. Luckily I made my doctor give me a booster for my pneumonia vaccine mid-summer. He didn't want to, but I insisted till I got it. Thank god I did. Otherwise, I might have been toast.
Now we have a threat from the outside. This virus that has been raging through the world seems to be a considerable threat. I am unsure if I had it already or if something new is lurking out there that may just end my existence. The symptoms I endured are mostly the same as this thing that is making people work from home and avoid human interaction.
Who's to say?
What I do know is that living in isolation is almost as deadly to me as being sick. While the threat from sickness can be seen and identified, the dread of being alone is just as fatal for a person like myself.
Some people wish for the quiet and, so-called, tranquility of living a life solitude. Then there are those like myself. The ones that feed on the interaction and approval or disapproval of others. I understand that it sounds counter to achieving happiness, having someone disapprove of the actions or words I emit. But it is a real thing. Input must be had. My mind is too full of everything to just sit and talk to myself. I mean, what do I know anyway?
Is the end of our way of life near? No, I would say not. Even if things seem dire, they are not really. In just a few weeks, people will begin congregating again and filling new restaurants to the brim, chasing the unique and trendy. The traffic jams will once again commence, and road rage will come back in style for those that have unconfronted issues that lie deep inside the ID. Life will return, and the sun will once again shine on those of us who need to laugh, argue, and converse just to feel alive.
Let's pray I can make it that long.
As for the illness, well, it happens. This is what life is like. The fact that it hasn't happened more catastrophically before now is actually quite surprising, even amazing. Throughout history, there have been many diseases that tore through society. Most of them were due to being dumb about sanitation and other things. In fact, the same thing should be said about this one.
Does this constitute a reason for the toilet paper shortage or the buying of forty pounds of ground beef? Not really, but I bet I can't convince anyone that truly believes it is a phenomenal reason for hoarding. You know, I guess it's all right. The only thing I would ask is that they share with people who can't buy anything because it was all purchased by three housewives with nothing to do but worry. I Digress... There is one thing that I ask you to do. Please check in on those friends and family that you know are super extroverted. They need your input, good or bad. Trust me on this one.
Bikes Blues and BBQ, and other stuff.
Yeah, yeah… I know I am supposed to write in this blog space every day, but life is worth living when you get to experience it. Sometimes writing about what I did just takes the fun out of it. I mean, what's fun about writing a lengthy article that takes forever to proofread?
Yeah, your right. It is kind of fun to write these things. Kinda.
Kelli and I went to BB&BBQ on Dickson street a while back. I found it to just be a craft fair for bikers. Kind of a snooze for me. If I was still riding, it might have a little more appeal, but I quit riding over ten years ago. I wasn’t that big a fan of the culture then and now that it has nothing to do with me, even less.
Yeah, yeah… I know I am supposed to write in this blog space every day, but life is worth living when you get to experience it. Sometimes writing about what I did just takes the fun out of it. I mean, what's fun about writing a lengthy article that takes forever to proofread?
Yeah, your right. It is kind of fun to write these things. Kinda.
Kelli and I went to BB&BBQ on Dickson street a while back. I found it to just be a craft fair for bikers. Kind of a snooze for me. If I was still riding, it might have a little more appeal, but I quit riding over ten years ago. I wasn’t that big a fan of the culture then and now that it has nothing to do with me, even less.
The crowd was thick but not as thick as it was in the past. Maybe the biker culture has dwindled, or perhaps it is just too expensive, either way, it isn’t as popular as it once was.
There is always something to be said about the vanishing lines that are created from miles of motorcycles. Mostly just because of the oddity of it all. And then there are the people. The mandatory biker wannabees walking the streets, trying hard to escape real life. The young folks who want to be badasses and work very hard to convey that they are mean dudes and gals. Never really convinced me.
What I did notice this year, and last, was the increasingly larger and larger numbers of actual bikers at this rally. You know, the ones portrayed in movies and the like. Trust me when I say this, they are dangerous folks that you don’t want to be associated with on a daily basis. I have nothing against them. They are free to live their lives as they see fit. But the wannabes and the pretend badasses really don’t understand the biker culture that gets people killed. These guys are smart and very cognizant of what they do and how they do it. In fact, between my friend who grew up surrounded by bikers and myself, the stories we have will shock anyone who hasn’t tasted the culture.
And of course, you have the bible folks who carry the cross. I am not sure if this Roman Soldier was one of them, but I bet he is.
Oh, and I found this impressive piece of graffiti. No, I didn’t do it. LOL
That was all fine and dandy, but I am always looking for a story. My Mother and Father lent me some fodder for my muse and didn’t even know it.
After the “rally,” Kelli and I stopped by their house.
This birdbath, with its discolorations and reflections, reminds me of the old stories we had to read in High School English. You know, the ones with sirens and mermaids. The ones that gave birth to one of my favorite moves, Oh Brother Where Art Thou”.
Making short films always seems to turn into something bigger.
I love making films. If you didn’t know that already, well, now you do. Sometimes we have a fleshed-out script, and sometimes we don’t. The real fun of making films sometimes comes from not knowing what I am going to film and figuring it out as we go. I know that sounds dumb, but it always seems to work out.
This last weekend, we did exactly that. We had outlined a few scenes and practiced some stunts with the actors. It worked out alright; it was one of those times when working on a wing and a prayer just felt right.
I love making films. If you didn’t know that already, well, now you do. Sometimes we have a fleshed-out script, and sometimes we don’t. The real fun of making films sometimes comes from not knowing what I am going to film and figuring it out as we go. I know that sounds dumb, but it always seems to work out.
This last weekend, we did exactly that. We had outlined a few scenes and practiced some stunts with the actors. It worked out alright; it was one of those times when working on a wing and a prayer just felt right.
What did she do?!
I made a few mistakes along the way, though. I accidentally recorded in SLog3 instead of 2 and damned near lost all of the takes. But I am a guru with Premier Pro and got most of it back. It took a little doing and a lot of noise reduction, but I think the footage is salvageable.
We did lose an actor along the way (a common occurrence), so I got to kill my screenwriter. Ok, no he’s not dead but its the only part that he can really nail. Yes, that’s a joke but not far from the truth. I am sure he will be complaining about me bashing him tomorrow. Screenwriters have thin skin sometimes.
Is he really Dead?
He’s just acting.
The short film I am working on is supposed to be a scary, art/horror piece that is meant to drive tension in the viewer. Through the use of heavy sound effects and long, arduous takes, the stillness of the film is intended to bring dread and dark suspense to the viewer. Maybe I am accomplishing that, and perhaps I am not. Only the final product will tell.
I’m trying to schedule a re-shoot for a couple of shots. All I can do is hope the weather holds out and they show back up. No one is getting paid for this and, if anything, it just costs me money. So I understand why people would not want to spend bucks to work for free. The thing is; to be a working actor, you must work for free and build that reel. Because, if you don’t have a reel, you aren’t getting any work.
And Honestly, that’s part of the reason I am shooting this on my own dime. That and I really love making films.
Fireworks and an Explosion on the news.
Everyone was watching and enjoying the spectacle, drinking beer, pop and being eaten up by vampiric flying syringes, otherwise known as mosquitos when a massive explosion went off near the staging area. The immense fireball rose above the treeline, the flames lighting up the entire area. The heat from the fireball was still prominent three hundred yards away, where I was taking photographs. I wondered to myself if anyone was hurt or if there may have been any damage done by the explosion. It seemed like everything was fine after a few minutes, the show continues, no lights or sirens from emergency vehicles. Ok, cool. Everyone is ok.
Then it hit me, I may have a picture of it! I immediately began to scroll through my images and there it was. Frikin Awesome!
“All I could think about was if anyone was hurt”
-Lady Standing Next To Me
It 'wasn't too hot this year for the Fourth of July. Arkansas usually hits triple digits by now, and the humidity stays somewhere between muggy and drowning. If you ever went to inland Florida during summer, you know what I am talking about.
Even though there are bigger and bader fireworks displays in the area, like the Walmart AMP and The Naturals Baseball stadium, the Springdale Country Club still continues with its long tradition of holding their very own fireworks display. Even though it isn't as technologically advanced as its rivals, the crowds again came out in droves. Kelli and I were there too, sure, but mostly because my parent's home is only a block away. Just a quick walk up the hill and our position was perfect for watching the spectacle.
The start of the Fireworks show at the Springdale Country Club
Since I have a new camera, I figured I would try it out on some fireworks. I have gotten some fantastic images in the past from my little a77, but this time I had the big dog, the a7III and its massive full-frame sensor. Armed with my new tripod and a crisp lens, I knew I was going to get something that looked pretty cool.
Honestly, I have taken so many photographs of exploding fireworks that it was way too easy and almost commonplace. The a77 camera had to have its settings run manually and adjusted often. It took finesse and a lot of patience to get the photos right. This camera, the a7III, almost knew what I was up to before I pulled it out of the bag. Sure, it took a little bit of dialing in to get it right, just much less than the a77 did.
Just before the Country Clubs firework show began, I noticed even more fireworks in the distance. I took a chance, changed my lens, and decided it would be super cool to get some slo-mo. I forgot that the a7III records slo-mo in 1080 instead of 4K and the shot turned out grainy, but it is still impressive. The whole program was exciting and fun. Just watch the video and see for yourself.
Everyone was watching and enjoying the spectacle, drinking beer, pop and being eaten up by vampiric flying syringes, otherwise known as mosquitos when a massive explosion went off near the staging area. The immense fireball rose above the treeline, the flames lighting up the entire area. The heat from the fireball was still prominent three hundred yards away, where I was taking photographs. I wondered to myself if anyone was hurt or if there may have been any damage done by the explosion. It seemed like everything was fine after a few minutes, the show continues, no lights or sirens from emergency vehicles. Ok, cool. Everyone is ok.
Then it hit me, I may have a picture of it! I immediately began to scroll through my images and there it was. Frikin Awesome!
As any self-respecting digital media guy would do, I immediately shared it. Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter all received a copy of the explosion within twenty minutes. I got a couple of likes but nothing special. You would think something like that would trend, at least locally. Alas, the algorithms won the day again, and no attention was paid until the next day until my friends at the news stations decided to make it into a story.
Of course they want to make it into a story, it's a great picture. It also has an added benefit of making the casual observer believe it was some sort of freak accident with children screaming while brave souls rush to the aid of the possibly injured parties. Five News, KFSM, teased the picture and the presumably dire circumstances surrounding the fireworks show at the local Country Club. What about that is not news?
Well, the whole thing, actually.
You see, that massive explosion was planned. I found out from my father's neighbor that they do it every year.
It is still a great photo, even if it was planned. I had no idea it was going to happen, so just getting it is a win. On top of that, I think it's pretty awesome. So enjoy this photo of an explosion that is worthy of Hollywood. And even though it's not "breaking news," I am still pretty proud of it. Just think of how many takes I would have gone through before I could get that photo.
On the set; A film that took six years to make.
As you know, I love filmmaking. The one thing that always brings a smile to my face is when a project is finished, and the world gets to see.
On The Set of
The “Tech Files” by Joseph Hitchcock
As you know, I love filmmaking. The one thing that always brings a smile to my face is when a project is finished, and the world gets to see. Just the other day, I worked on a film set with one of the most exciting filmmakers in NWA Joseph Hitchcock on a project that has taken six years to finish principal photography.
Yes, you read that right, Six Years.
For me, that is an insanely long time. I tend to get my projects done in record time. It works for me, and I consistently win awards for my films. But not everyone who makes films does it this way. Sometimes, for an artist to really get what they want, it takes forever. It isn't a good thing or a bad thing, it is just how they operate.
No, he is not related to Alfred, but I do share the same birthday as the heralded filmmaker of classics such as "North by Northwest) .
Alfred Hitchcock and I have the same birthday!
Many years ago, Hitchcock asked me to film an action sequence for him. It was in a parking garage somewhere in Fayetteville, and I was more than excited to do it. Remember, I think this stuff is super fun and would do it all day for free if I didn't have bills to pay. He had some shots he wanted to get, and I talked him into getting some extra stuff that I thought would be super interesting. The shoot ended and I thought that was the end of it. I looked and stalked his online profiles for about a year, hoping to see the final product, It never appeared.
Oh well, I thought, such is filmmaking. Maybe it wasn't any good, or perhaps the other shots were so different from what I shot that it blew up the entire project. This is something that happens when you have several different shooters on a film. One may be conservative with their shots, and another is super aggressive, causing the film to look disjointed and hard to watch.
Turns out, that wasn't the case with this film (called The Tech Files), it was more of a matter of not having the time to do it, I would suppose. In fact, Hitchcock just got back from Eastern Europe where he has been living for the past year or more, and before that, he was living in L.A. while he was touring the country for his music career. He just did not have the time and opportunity to finish the dang thing.
Action sequence I shot from the film “The Tech Files”
Come on man, get off the phone Hitch!
As always, there were significant hiccups with the production. The warehouse that was scheduled for shooting canceled. I hate that. Hitchcock was scrambling hard to find a warehouse to shoot in with only hours to spare. We brainstormed for a while and came up with a couple of solutions. Finally settling on a place called "Free Geek." The lady who runs the place is pretty nice, she let us use the warehouse without any restrictions.
For those of you that don't know, Free Geek is a non-profit that recycles old electronics. If you have a bunch of hardware left over from dead or dying computers, printers or whatever, that's the place to take them rather than throwing them away. If they can refurbish them, they do. If they are just dead, they break them down into parts and send them to the appropriate places rather than just the landfill.
Plus, if you need something, they probably have it at a price that's much less than new. They also help out the community when technology is, but there are few funds to pay for it. The non-profit I run, Arts and Entertainment Council, get stuff from there every now and again.
Needless to say, we shot some pretty exciting stuff. I am eager (once again) to see the final product.
On that note, I do have a few projects of my own coming down the pipe. I am holding the first rehearsal or table read for a three page short about a Queen who has finally captured the leader of the resistance. This should be interesting, and honestly, it comes right before the giant fight scene that would typically be there.
The other project of consequence is Three "twenty-somethings" who find themselves being hunted by the most dangerous supernatural monsters imaginable only to find that the supernatural is also what can save them as well as gain a great friend. Yeah, I am still working on that logline.
On the hunt for a great Landscape
The end of a day; the sun making its nightly exit known to all. Its colors are the last grasp with the exclamation that it will return. It's rays folding through the trees, over the fields and bringing the depth of what is real to a warm and loving close.
I suppose I could say I am feeling better. The last piece of the puzzle to making me whole again is my voice. I am still just as hoarse and raspy as I was almost two weeks ago. Good news for anyone that thinks I am too loud (which is many more people than you may think) but bad news for me, as I cannot do some of my work yet. If you are an avid listener to my podcast, you would not be remiss to think that I may have just given it all up. Trust me, I haven't. I will be back to podcasting just as soon as my voice can handle it.
Since I was feeling ninety percent myself again, I was able to get out and take some photos. Because I haven't been shooting much, I decided to take some images of the Fayetteville Farmers Market. We got lucky and were able to get a great parking spot near the Fayetteville square (usually we have to walk four blocks) making it much more palatable for my weakened constitution. With just a few steps, we were smack dab in the crowd.



Typically, there isn't much more than the run of the mill Farmer's market stuff by the time we arrive (usually late because, you know, sleep). But to my pleasant surprise, we found ourselves face to face with a brass band. They were fair, not great, but good enough for a farmers market. I enjoyed the throwback tunes and the novelty of it all. Although I wasn't prepared to do so, I thought I would grab some video. After all, that is kinda what I do for a living.
After returning home and doing my thing with the photographs and the video footage. I mentioned to my friend that I was still trying to figure out precisely what kind of pictures people may want to purchase. He joined me in my office, and while contemplating his thoughts, we came across an interesting pic of a Golden Retriever. He sat up and exclaimed that it would be the perfect one to sell. I wasn't (and frankly, still not) convinced that anyone would want to purchase such a photo. It isn't their dog, so why would anyone want the face of a stranger adorning their walls, was my reply. He insisted and called in his girlfriend to confirm his epiphany. They were so adamant about it that I figured "why not."
What do you think? Is it something that would sell?
The next day, I still felt well and decided that it might be a great time to do a little more. I called up my friends and proposed that all four of us have a picnic somewhere, but we just weren't sure about the place where we would end up. It was suggested that we should visit a couple of swimming holes that my friend visited the weekend prior. Sounded interesting to me, Kelli didn't want to go (there was more TV to watch, after all) but we coaxed her into it.
We toured some very remote swimming holes just north of Devil's Den State Park. One of them was a little more "known" than we would have liked. It consists of some extremely tall bluff that the more adventurous like to jump from, A rope swing and lots of tadpoles. The sights were charming but I was more interested in watching the drama before me as group after group of novice cliff divers were coaxed by fiendish friends to jump into the cold river waters below. Personally, I agree with the ones unwilling to jump, but hey, life is short.
With the unknown perfect picnicking location looming above our heads, we decided to explore instead of having an old fashioned evening. Personally, I would have preferred a picnic. Things like that lend to serenity and peacefulness rather than rushing around trying to find something interesting to keep our minds occupied. That's one of the reasons I like landscape photography so much, you get to look upon views that the rest of the population generally are too busy to admire. Even more so when you are looking for that perfect landscape. To get it, you must take in all the beauty, not just what's directly in front of you.
Taking a landscape photo is more complicated than one might think. Yes, it is about photographing the thing in front of you, but there is a lot of preparations that go into it. The first and most obvious is the weather. To get that perfect sunset or sunrise, you need more than just a sun half nestled in the horizon. The beauty of the shot is rarely the sun. What makes that shot beautiful is the context.
The end of a day; the sun making its nightly exit known to all. Its colors are the last grasp with the exclamation that it will return. It's rays folding through the trees, over the fields and bringing the depth of what is real to a warm and loving close. Just like that sentence is dramatic and profound (although not my best poetic dissertation) a landscape must evoke feelings that rival, if not overshadow, any book that was ever written or poem that has ever been penned.
Sometimes just the sun can be cool. Reminds me of Miami Vice for some reason. Oh yeah! I had a Trapper Keeper in Jr High with this on it.





Well now, that was a little much, wasn't it? LOL,
To get that perfect landscape, though, you must look at the foreground of the picture as well as the sky. A bright day with a setting sun is nice, but a few clouds would most definitely be an addition that could keep it from being "ho-hum" and turn it into one of the most beloved sights anyone has ever seen.
My Audition and the real threat from the River Valley flooding.
So, I just spent almost four hours and fifty bucks in a car to attend a meeting that made me want to give up acting forever, and now I have to drive back home.
Now, we have had a lot of rain recently, as we all know. The River Valley (Fort Smith Arkansas) has flooded, levees have broken, and roads are closed. The water from the Arkansas River hit record levels, and here I was driving through it. Another reason for a rental car.
I love making movies, films, television, and anything else that is in the genre. I work tirelessly to know what I am doing at all times and how to execute them beautifully and, my specialty, affordability. I examine tons of footage and writing to soak in all that I can only to come back and learn some more. It is genuinely in my whole being and precisely what I was made for. Not too many folks can say that they know what their true calling is. I am one of the lucky few.
This also means that I am not only a Photographer, Videographer, Motion Graphics Artists, and Editor; I am an Actor too. Sure I can direct actors, but what good would I be if I couldn’t practice what I preach?
Because of my inner “actor,” sometimes I get called in to audition for roles. Sometimes they are for movies, but mostly it’s commercials and PSA type things. And just like most other working actors, I get called back or land the role rarely. Not too infrequently, but enough to call it rare, I suppose. As an actor, this is just how the business works, good or bad.
Most roles that an actor can audition for in Northwest Arkansas and be reasonably assured they have a chance to land, pay either one hundred or three hundred per day or you have to drive to Oklahoma City just to audition, if not both. I am with you on this part, There is no way I am going to drive three and a half hours for a role that pays a hundred bucks a day, no matter what kind of exposure I “might” get. It just doesn’t make economic sense. But this time, the pay for this part was above scale. Scale is the minimum amount of money an actor gets paid if they belong to the union. When I saw that, I submitted. Much to my surprise, I was selected to audition. But it in Oklahoma City, figures. But that pay... Yeah, it suckered me in.
I rented a car and drove to OKC. I figured my 2006 Mustang could handle the drive, but I wanted to go as economically as possible. My Mustang gets 13 mpg in town and 27mpg on the highway, but this little KIA gets almost twice the city gas mileage and a solid 37mpg on the hwy. In real terms, I would have needed to fill the tank on my Mustang four times while I didn’t even have to fill that KIA up twice. That alone saved me the money I spent on the rental; not to mention the wear and tear on my Mustang.
I would say the audition went well, not really great, but that’s how these things always feel. For my actor friends out there, high-end auditions are really the pits. They are impersonal and cold events that make you feel like you have just stepped into a world where everyone hates their job and anyone they come into contact with. No one leaves an audition feeling like they “got the part.” Everyone leaves thinking that they must have done something wrong. And I mean everyone. For those that have never had the pleasure of experiencing the pain and torture of a Hollywood audition; if you had a job interview that went like these always go, you would second guess your career path and leave whimpering. They are worse than brutal, they are soul-crushing events. They also take about five minutes at most.
So, I just spent almost four hours and fifty bucks in a car to attend a meeting that made me want to give up acting forever, and now I have to drive back home.
Now, we have had a lot of rain recently, as we all know. The River Valley (Fort Smith Arkansas) has flooded, levees have broken, and roads are closed. The water from the Arkansas River hit record levels, and here I was driving through it. Another reason for a rental car.
Before I left for OKC I called the Arkansas State Transportation office to make sure I40 was open, and they told me everything was just fabulous with the interstate, but I don’t know if that was entirely true. It seemed to me that the water was only a few feet away from covering the highway, wow.







While I didn’t stop to take photos with my pro camera, these shots show just how close the water came. Good thing my trip was ruled by the sun.
Is the world ending? No, I'm just sick.
Over the past three weeks, I haven’t posted much or taken that many photographs. It may seem like I am neglecting my duties, but in reality, I have been very sick. Over my life, I have had pneumonia dozens of times. This time I thought I was OK until I wasn’t. It put me down hard. In fact, I didn’t know how sick I was until after I started to get better.
Over the past three weeks, I haven’t posted much or taken that many photographs. It may seem like I am neglecting my duties, but in reality, I have been very sick. Over my life, I have had pneumonia dozens of times. This time I thought I was OK until I wasn’t. It put me down hard. In fact, I didn’t know how sick I was until after I started to get better.
I did try to keep creating. I grabbed a sunrise, practiced focus stacking, and took a time lapse. While these aren’t the most fabulous photographs I have ever taken, I still enjoyed taking the time to do it.
I went out early one morning to Lake Fayetteville and set up two cameras in hopes of getting the marvelous colors that are usually displayed when the sun begins to peek over the horizon. The sky was clear, and the air was quite clean. Two things that do and do not contribute to a great photograph.
Usually, the air in NWA is thick with substantial humidity, making everything hazy. This also refracts the light making the great colors one expects to see across the morning landscape. This usually makes taking a photograph a little tricky, as the haze keeps the colors of the trees in focus, sharp and defined. So it is a trade-off, hazy photos but great colors or, in the case of that morning, bright and crisp with only a few colors. I really didn’t mind too much though, crisp air means low pollen. Something that is a big help when suffering upper respiratory distress. Like I said, I didn’t realize how sick I was, and heavily polluted air probably would have done more damage than I know.
Right now, the dam is covered in hundreds of yellow flowers, some of which are almost perfectly shaped. I have been fooling around with Focus Stacking, so I grabbed a few shots. If you look closely, you will see the old water intake is in focus as well as some flowers with everything in-between having a beautiful bokeh.
Since I was at Lake Fayetteville anyway, I thought I would look around at the docks in the marina. Docks can provide great photographs because of their straight lines that seem to vanish into the distance. I wasn’t disappointed.
The Rowing Club of Northwest Arkansas has recently installed a dock meant specifically for their sport. There are no railings, so it is easier to get in the water boats. It even has a little staging area to quickly mount and dismount the skiffs and vessels without the threat of falling in the water. It is interesting if you find yourself wanting to learn something new, go by and just take a look.
The dock itself had a problem that morning though. It was covered in Canada Geese droppings. I mean, covered. It was the most disgusting thing I have seen in a long while. If you know anything about me, you know I love Ducks but despise Canadian geese. They are the least friendly and most undesirable water foul I know of, and also the most damaging, in my opinion, to any Eco-system. But mostly it’s because they are jerks. Anyway...
I almost did not take the photo of the dock. I knew it would be at least an hour of work to remove all the droppings from the photograph and I wasn’t sure if I really wanted to take on the task, but the dock looked too good that I couldn’t resist.
I have also been fooling around with daytime long exposure, so this was a great place to try it. When you use long exposure, things like water, and it’s waves blend together to make what could be seen as a mist, causing the camera to create some fascinating photos.
After that little trip to the lake, I thought I would go home and spend the rest of my day in Photoshop and Lightroom, creating my art. But I just didn’t feel that great and ended up napping. When I woke, I had lost my voice completely. This was a week ago, and I still cannot talk. In fact, I think I have gotten sicker.
It seems that every time I think I am getting better, the weather does something funky, and it makes me worse again. I am trying to get better, but until this passes, I won’t be able to put out any more podcasts or take any road trips for great photographs.
Why do photographers cost so much? (a consumers guide)
For those that don’t know or haven’t had the privilege to book a photo session in the past three or five years, the current going rate for a truly professional photographer may shock you. A traditional wedding shoot with just one photographer starts at about five thousand dollars. That’s a lot of money for photographs! Honestly, if you want really good photographs of the wedding and the reception, you need two shooters since one photographer can’t be everywhere. To add that second shooter though, you're looking at another twenty-five hundred dollars. OUCH!
Over the past few years, I have had many a client call me to get a quote for a wedding or a small outdoor photo-shoot only to have them wince and get slightly mad at me when I tell them the price.
It happens more often than not. Many times they call me back and, with hat in hand, book my services anyway after calling around. When they figure out just how much it costs to hire a photographer that knows what they are doing, they figure out real quick that I am not charging that much. Honestly, I probably should be charging more, but even I think that the prices are way too high.
For those that don't know or haven't had the privilege to book a photo session in the past three or five years, the current going rate for a truly professional photographer may shock you. A traditional wedding shoot, with just one photographer, starts at about five thousand dollars. That's a lot of money for photographs! Honestly, if you want outstanding pictures of the wedding and the reception, you need two shooters since one photographer can't be everywhere. To add that second shooter though, you're looking at another twenty-five hundred dollars. OUCH!
The prices aren't much better for everyday outdoor sessions either. Most of those "packages" start at about five hundred bucks and skyrocket from there. A good studio session usually starts out at the same price, but you get far fewer photographs to keep without having to pay more.
Many of you right now are thinking "For that much, I'll just use my phone or get a friend to take them on their phone." Sure, you can do that. The higher end phones take some great photographs. If you aren't picky about the way they look overall and are good with just snapshots, I say go for it. There isn't anything wrong with it.
The folks on Instagram make it look so easy.
In the age of Instagram, Twitter and Facebook we have gotten accustomed to seeing great photographs from our friends and family, and some not so great ones. In fact, there are many people out there that make their living on social media posting AMAZING photographs all the time with just their phone. Or at least that’s what they want you to think.
Below are two photographs that take a precision knowledge of photoshop and camera settings to create.
In reality, they are posing and compositing by taking multiple images and combining them in Photoshop or other similar software. Most of the really great photos on Instagram are using the tricks and techniques of professional photographers that cost hundreds of dollars if you were to commission them.
The question still remains, Why does it cost so much.
There are three good reasons why photographs cost so much. In reality, it is just a matter of how far you want the picture(s) to go. The more you expect, the more you are going to pay. Let’s break this down.
Equipment Costs
We all know just how expensive tech can be these days. iPhones can cost as much as fifteen hundred dollars for about the same as a basic DSLR camera with only a minimal lens. In all actuality, prices for a great camera have come down, but they start there. My camera is a professional mirror-less SLR that is about twenty-two hundred, but its true professional counterpart, the Sony a9, is thirty-four hundred. I own the a7III because it’s better at video, my primary profession. But those prices are low compared to the Nikon and Cannon pro cameras of the past, those were above ten thousand at the time. Thank God the prices have come down on this stuff.
My Camera Gear
a77 on the left a7III on the right
So now you’ve got the greatest and best camera gear, right? Not even close.
Each lens has to be purchased. The prices I quoted above are for just the cameras. The lenses are an extra cost. As a portrait photographer, you need a bunch of lenses. These range in price from four hundred to three thousand. Yes, I said three thousand. I personally have five lenses. The total cost for these is somewhere between five thousand and eight thousand bucks.
Now can I take a photo? No, not yet. You need memory cards (64 gig high-speed SD cards), straps, bags, filters, lights, backdrops, shades, and the list goes on and on.
Now that you have spent upwards of fifteen thousand dollars, you can take a photo, but you can’t develop them. To do that, you need a good computer, a calibrated high-density monitor, storage space for all those photos and the right software. That’s about another five grand. Oh, and it’s worse when you shoot film (video for the kids out there). My rig is about four thousand eight hundred bucks, and it can barely handle the 4K footage I now shoot.
Plus there are more costs: office space, studio space, insurance, and advertising.
Now that the photographer has spent upwards of twenty to twenty-five thousand dollars, they are ready to start working.
This is the real kicker for a professional photographer. We spend about an hour or two shooting your photos, and then you leave. That is all you see, and it seems simple. It really isn’t, but as far as you can tell the photos are done. They aren’t. A professional photographer takes their time to make each individual photograph right, beautiful and perfect (at least as far as they can take them). Some spend minimal amounts of time on the photos others much more. If you want blemishes removed, or like the Instagram photos above, something special done, or added, this takes time. I average about ten minutes per photograph that I show the client, but there is always that one photo that takes me hours to complete. Keep in mind that I charge way less than other pro’s in the market and that means you get touched up photos but not super edited photographs. I can do the highly retouched photos with fantasy add on stylistic touches, but that’s not what three hundred bucks buys. Think more like eight hundred for a set of those. Between the time spent shooting and the time spent editing I spend about two days editing on a good hour long photo-shoot. That’s sixteen hours of work, and I make eighteen seventy-five an hour. Count in my equipment costs, and I actually lose money unless I am doing three a week (that lets me break even).
We all know that someone who is considered an expert in their field costs more to hire. An excellent, seasoned professional with years of experience doesn’t work for peanuts. As the saying goes, you get what you pay for. These folks know all the camera settings and what they are going to produce. They know how to do the math that comes with being a professional photographer and what terms like “Golden Ratio,” “rule of thirds” and “f-stop vs. t-stop” mean and what consequences they have if not applied correctly. They know their color science and contrast ratios. I could keep going but this is just the easy stuff, and you really aren’t here to learn photography. You are here to understand why photographers cost so much.
Now that you know a little more about what goes into creating great photography, I hope that you now hold it as an art and in high esteem. Yes, we live in an age where everyone has a camera, but that camera is only as good as the person holding it. Yes, you can take great photos with a phone or a cheap camera, and you may actually get a few more often than not. That’s really cool. But to take a photograph professionally is a different game altogether. Here are some great photographers you may want to look at, just to get a sense.
Erik Almas
Rosie Hardy
Joe McNallay
These photographers are pleasing to my eyes. There are better and worse photographers out there charging more and less, but these guys are pretty well known. You can see they have simple and very intricate work throughout their portfolios. Now take those and set them side by side the best iPhone photo you can find. I bet you see a difference.
Find the right photographer for you.
When looking for a photographer to create photos for you, I suggest looking at their work and comparing it to what you WANT to have created. If you are looking for cute pictures of your grandkids or your beloved pet that is better than what you can get, you might want to stay in the three to four hundred dollar price range. If you're going to post them to Facebook and Instagram, make sure that the pro knows ahead of time. Some charge more for the copyright release you need to post them on social media while others, like me, do not.
When you find the photographer that is the right fit for what you want, book it! You won't regret it.
One Last Tip
In the state of Arkansas, all photographers must charge sales tax. If the photographer hasn't included the sales tax in the price you will be held responsible for it and any fines that come with not paying it. I would go so far as to suggest that any photographer that doesn't include sales tax is not a professional and should be avoided.
To know more about how I shoot or to book your session, click the link below!
Wow, What a long weekend!
When we got the the park we looked at the hills, studies the trails and some topographical maps and this thing looked brutal. Maybe not for the guy or gal that walks or runs ten miles a day, but for two guys that spend ninety percent of their time sitting in front of a computer screen, yeah…
Well, It’s been an exciting few days since my last post. I am still playing around with the camera and got to take a few portrait/snapshots with it courtesy of Bedford’s Camera and Video. They put on a photo-walk where they get a model for you to photograph and let you try out new camera gear. The only thing is, they didn’t have anything for my Sony and said that demand has been too high and they keep selling out of stuff. It may sound like an excuse but, in fact, the Sony a7III has actually been a strong leader in photography gear sales for a year or more. The camera did what I expected it to do, and I got sidetracked with messing with the camera instead of taking photographs. Now that I think of it, I should have used my flash and really got some interesting shots. Never-the-less, the shots were, and I got to see what this camera can do in this type of situation. Not too bad.
I did use a mix of lenses though. The deep woods photos were taken with the Tamron 70-300 while the rest were a mix of the Sony 50mm and the Rokinon 35mm Cine-lens.
If you are interested in Modeling, you can volunteer with Bedford’s as well. They are always looking for new faces.











I have been working with my new Sony a7III for a while now, trying to learn its quirks and proclivities. It behaves much different than my old a77, that’s for sure. While I have gotten a few good shots with the camera, I really haven’t found myself in a position to make that one grand photo or video, but I got really damned close on Saturday. My screenwriter and I were going to walk Mount Kessler in Fayetteville Arkansas to see if we might find an elusive view of the city or a spectacular spot that overlooks to the west.
I’m feeling dizzy.
When we got the park, we looked at the hills, studied the trails, and some topographical maps and this thing looked brutal. Maybe not for the guy or gal that walks or runs ten miles a day, but for two guys that spend ninety percent of their time sitting in front of a computer screen, yeah… we weren’t going to do that. I mean, what if we get lost and miss dinner!? We then decided the better thing was to go downtown and enjoy the Fayetteville Spring-fest. Yeah, they have food trucks there, and it’s only about two blocks long. See, now that is much better. While not overly exciting, it was unusual for a dull Saturday afternoon.
Hello, World!
Since it wasn’t that big of a thing, we broke for lunch and headed our separate ways for a while. I had some lunch while my buddy found himself moving some more of his stuff into a new apartment, even though he hasn’t signed a lease yet. They gave him the key, so I guess its not a problem.
This fish is super hungry.
About five o’clock I called him up and told him the sky should be pretty good for a sunset that night. I figured I might as well try to see what I can get. Being that I was being kinda lazy this weekend, I knew exactly where I wanted to go. Lake Fayetteville has a secret place you can go (maybe your not supposed to go?) and get a dead shot of the sunset against the Dam. It’s not hard to get to, but it’s not that easy either. It’s easy enough for even a lazy photog to get to, but I must say, I wasn’t disappointed. I actually thought I wasn’t going to get out of there with anything usable or exciting. But Six Hundred and Forty-Seven Photographs, you are bound to find something.
Ok, yes, I took way too many photos. But in reality, I didn’t. I was planning on making a time lapse out of all the RAW files, so I set it to take a photo every 1 second. I also wanted to see the range and depth of the camera when bracketing (taking multiple images and stacking them in Lightroom/Photoshop to get perfect exposure on every pixel). Between the two, I ended up with 35 gigs of photos and video. Most of which I will never use. If only I could bring myself to delete stuff. I am a terrible Data hoarder.
Sunsets/Sunrises are not all the same
Yesterday seemed like a great day for taking a photograph of the sunset. If only I had looked closer at the weather. While it was a great day yesterday, today is looking to possibly be a brute with a storm barreling in from the west.
Finding that ideal sunset or sunrise is always a big deal for me. I would also go so far as to say that Sunsets are a big deal for anyone that considers themselves a photographer of any caliber. The majestic beauty of the sun fighting its way through the haze and dust of the continent as it rises from the east or sets from the west cannot be understated. Yet, not all sunsets and sunrises are the same and seldom do they look the same day after day. Before a massive rainstorm, the skies of the west are generally cleaner. This causes the light from the sun to refract less and give us clearer blues and sharper clouds. When the storm has cleared, the winds calm down, and the dust rises to cause the light to refract and splinter into the brilliant oranges we love to see. Yesterday was a particularly standard pre-storm day that delivered precisely what it should have, a bland and lackluster sunset.
Yesterday seemed like a beautiful day for taking a photograph of the sunset. If only I had looked closer at the weather. While it was a great day yesterday, today is looking to possibly be a brute with a storm barreling in from the west. Already I have received notifications about possible Tornadoes from the weather apps on my phone. If I would have looked ahead, I wouldn’t have been so stoked for the sunset and would have taken the time to relax a little more and enjoy it. The photographs of the sunset are decent, but since the air was from the wind, they weren’t spectacular, by any means.




The fascinating thing about this outing is that I got a couple of photographs that aren’t of the sunset but seem to be either more exciting or more potent than these. My favorite is the cold Oregonian looking beach scene while my wife, Kelli, seems to prefer the exotic tones and depth of the rocky shores with the hibernating bush/tree.
Kelli found this to be the more interesting of the bunch.
This Oregonian like shoreline is one of my most favorite photos from the excursion.
What do you think about the photographs from this excursion? Which ones are your favorite?
If you wish to purchase any of the photographs in my Blogs most are available in my store. Can’t find the size you want or just want to purchase smaller versions, please contact me! :-)
Bomb Cyclone brings end to photo shoot
I went to the University of Arkansas to find a great spot to get the stadium and all that traffic. The video I got was all made in camera and isn’t the quality that I will get when I do it for real. This is just a scout to see what it might look like. Honestly, I am not going to use that spot again, it’s just not that interesting. But that’s why you scout!
From “The Weather Channel” website.
If you didn’t know, the mid-west is being bombarded with what the newsies are calling a “Bomb Cyclone. It is a blistering cold weather event that is over 800 miles wide. They even canceled school in the Denver area, that’s bad. Denver Schools never close.
When I lived in Denver there was a blizzard that put almost four feet of snow on the ground in three hours and it didn’t melt for a week. The Denver Schools were open the entire time. That means this must be something big.
I was out trying to discover the choicest places to shoot some time lapse videos. The camera does them nativity at a slightly lower resolution, meaning I was going for just a test shot, just to see. Soon, I will be receiving a new piece of equipment that calculates the perfect camera settings to get the ideal chance for a time-lapse.
Most time-lapse videos you see are actually hundreds of photographs compiled together. This takes forever to get right, and if wrong, they look terrible. I have produced every kind of video you can think of, except a time lapse. It takes a lot of patience and planning to get it right, and I just haven't made time for it. Now it's on my bucket list, and it's going to get done. If you haven't seen a time-lapse, here is one I found from Chris Pritchard on Vimeo. I love watching these things.
These are great for City-scapes as well. Here is one of NYC by Michael Shainblum.
As you can see, these videos can be mesmerizing, to say the least. But they have to be planned out. IN the NY time-lapse you actually get to see the camera move while the city literally runs at hyper-speed. Technically the second video is more of a Hyper-lapse, but a static shot for my work will have to do for now. Those take a motorized slider hooked to a computer to accomplish, and I just don’t have the 2K at the moment to afford the gear. Maybe I could rent it… hmm, that’s a thought.
That’s what I was doing tonight, scouting for a place to shoot my time lapse. I went to the University of Arkansas to find a great spot to get the stadium and all that traffic. The video I got was all made in camera and isn’t the quality that I will get when I do it for real. This is just a scout to see what it might look like. Honestly, I am not going to use that spot again, it’s just not that interesting. But that’s why you scout!
Typically, shooting video in the wind isn’t that problematic, and since these were really just for reference, it really didn’t matter.
Living in Arkansas, I didn’t think the “Bomb Cyclone” would effect us down here, but it sure as hell did. Tonight the wind gusts are so strong that it almost blew over my tripod while I was shooting. My “sticks” aren’t the super expensive Manfrotto ones, but they aren’t junk either. They are light though, carbon fiber is the majority of the materials used to make the legs. That wind just toppled them right over. Good thing I was holding onto them at the time. I really don’t want to file an insurance claim for a new camera and lens.
I did get to practice my long exposure photography though. Being that I have a new camera and I haven’t ever gotten to practice with it due to crappy weather, I thought I would share. But these also suffered from the wind. When leaving the shutter open for Thirty seconds, every little shake makes an impression. While this is the sharpest one of the bunch, it is most definitely not that great. Its composition needs a lot of work, but I proved to myself that I do understand the technicals of the camera well enough to really set up a beautiful shot in the future.
Let’s all hope that all we get is some more wind and a few days of sixty-degree weather rather than the pounding of snow and ice the north is getting.
Three things a new actor can do to win the audition.
We have all heard it and just shrugged it off at least once in our lives. When we went for our first job interview or trying to get up the nerve to ask someone out on a first date, that was probably the advice. It’s no different in an audition.
As a director, filmmaker, and screenwriter I get to see a lot of raw and very new talent. Every now and again I hold a mass audition that lets me preview some of the local actors that are relatively new. Sometimes there are some that make me want to go make a film immediately and then there are those that make me just want to quit and go back to selling insurance. Most, however, are only in need of practice and some excellent instruction. I would venture to say that just about everyone can be an adequate actor with time and patients.
Get out of your head.
We have all heard it and just shrugged it off at least once in our lives. When we went for our first job interview or trying to get up the nerve to ask someone out on a first date, that was probably the advice. It’s no different in an audition.
When you get to the venue (usually an office or hallway) you always have to wait with the other actors. You think to yourself, “she’s so pretty” or “he’s got to be the manliest man I have ever seen.” Leaving you standing there in self-doubt, wondering why you are even there. I want you to let you in on a little secret, they are thinking the same thing you are. One of the traits of being an actor is self-doubt. Now, it’s not because we secretly loathe ourselves and believe we aren’t worth anything more than the crappy server job. It’s because we put ourselves in a position to be judged every time we walk into the small room with three or four people that do nothing but stare at us and usually say nothing other than “next.” I mean, come on, what person on this planet wouldn’t think poorly of themselves after that clumsy cattle call?
What you really need to get into your subconscious is the fact that you could be the best actor in the world and get beat out by the worst if the part called for it. It has no reflection on you. It isn't a reflection on your acting ability, and it has no reflection on how you look. Take it from me, a director, not everyone can pull off every part. Directors and casting agents really are looking to fill the role with the person they believe will make that role shine. It isn't anything personal and it sure as hell has more to do with their perception of the character than the clothes you are wearing.
Think of it this way. A director is filming a movie that is based around the worlds best physical fitness trainer. This trainer is also the worlds leading expert on Krav Maga and has written best selling motivational books read by millions. Do you really think that a four hundred pound person would be the best choice for that role? Of course not. If it were a comedy, maybe, an action flick, no.
Be your best and do your best. Show confidence and professionalism. Get out of your head and do it.
Pay attention to stage direction and parentheticals.
I have a little scene that I like to have the actors read when doing general auditions. It is a piece I wrote intending to contrast two characters. It allows me to see the way an actor would interpret the characters, how they choose the voice of the character and tone of the scene itself. It is a little two-pager that has a King and the peasant leader contrasting each other. I wrote it with some stage direction using parentheticals or inside the parenthesis.
You have quite a constitution about you Leo, It's refreshing to see someone who does not cower and run when faced with death. (he leans in to get closer to his ear so not to be overheard) I wish I had an army of you. (he stands back up and begins to circle Leonidas)
I have had this passage acted out by men, women, children, and adults and only one time were the parentheticals read and acted upon. That actor was a trained Shakespearean actor who actually makes his entire living performing. Everyone else has skipped right over them. They read the lines and the direction but either it did not connect, or a decision was made just to ignore it. I suppose it’s okay for you to ignore the action in the script, but it isn’t going to get you the part.
On one occasion I was asked to act out the part. I can do the King with ease (mostly because I watched it done right once) and everyone in the room was floored. Not because I am some great actor but because I followed the script and made sense of the actions of the King and rolled them into the character I chose to portray.
I can also say this definitively, from the view of a director, and an actor who might be tasked from working opposite you one day, if you can’t follow directions on the page, how are you going to follow instructions from anyone else.
Read those pages and work them out in your mind before it is your turn. You may be the only one who actually tried and get the part just because of that.
Hold Your Mark
When you are in the audition, listen to what the folks behind the table are telling you. Take a deep breath and really listen. This is when you get to show you are a professional. If they tell you to stand on a mark, do it and don’t leave it. There is usually a real reason for it.
If they are recording the session (most do these days) your mark is your friend. When you step off the mark you could go out of focus, not be heard by the microphone or worse, break something. Sometimes these rooms are tiny, and there are four to five people on top of each other in the corner waiting for the next star to walk in. It’s hot in there, they are all uncomfortable, and that’s before the first actor comes through the door. Imagine what they are thinking if you are the last to be called.
When they give you directions, do it. Smile and do it. Show them you have that range and make that tear flows and those laughs sound real. Just be professional about it.
I always want to put stuff in perspective. Directors and casting agents aren’t out to ruin your career. I would bet that no one is out to sabotage your abilities to get a role. It happens from time to time, I guess, but I do not believe that the next Tonya Harding is just waiting around the corner looking for her chance to knee-cap you. Directors, casting agents and anyone else in the “biz” really do want you to do great. They may not show it and may do and say things that make you think they are Voldemort in disguise, but I would say the majority aren’t. In fact, the director is crossing their fingers that you give the best performance in two lifetimes. Because if you do that, not only do you win but they win!
And really, who doesn’t want to win?