Fireworks and an Explosion on the news.
Everyone was watching and enjoying the spectacle, drinking beer, pop and being eaten up by vampiric flying syringes, otherwise known as mosquitos when a massive explosion went off near the staging area. The immense fireball rose above the treeline, the flames lighting up the entire area. The heat from the fireball was still prominent three hundred yards away, where I was taking photographs. I wondered to myself if anyone was hurt or if there may have been any damage done by the explosion. It seemed like everything was fine after a few minutes, the show continues, no lights or sirens from emergency vehicles. Ok, cool. Everyone is ok.
Then it hit me, I may have a picture of it! I immediately began to scroll through my images and there it was. Frikin Awesome!
“All I could think about was if anyone was hurt”
-Lady Standing Next To Me
It 'wasn't too hot this year for the Fourth of July. Arkansas usually hits triple digits by now, and the humidity stays somewhere between muggy and drowning. If you ever went to inland Florida during summer, you know what I am talking about.
Even though there are bigger and bader fireworks displays in the area, like the Walmart AMP and The Naturals Baseball stadium, the Springdale Country Club still continues with its long tradition of holding their very own fireworks display. Even though it isn't as technologically advanced as its rivals, the crowds again came out in droves. Kelli and I were there too, sure, but mostly because my parent's home is only a block away. Just a quick walk up the hill and our position was perfect for watching the spectacle.
The start of the Fireworks show at the Springdale Country Club